Keirnan Park Recreation and Sporting Precinct

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Keirnan Park Recreation and Sporting Precinct is a 63-hectare site located on the corner of Keirnan Street and South Western Highway, Mundijong.

In recognition of the significant population growth in the Shire, an assessment of community infrastructure and public open space needs identified the need for a district sporting space that can also perform a regional function for identified key sporting codes.

Keirnan Park was identified as the most appropriate location for this sport space and this was supported by a decision by the State Government in August 2020 to provide $20 million for a first stage development. The precinct's Masterplan was endorsed by Council on 15 March 2021.

What's happening now

To stay up to date with the latest news and information on the Keirnan Park Recreation and Sporting Precinct, visit our Latest News section.

Keirnan Park Stakeholder Reference Group

The Keirnan Park Stakeholder Reference Group was formed at the end of 2021. More information about the group is available under the “documents section” of this webpage.

Got a question?

You can submit questions about the Keirnan Park Recreation and Sporting Precinct to our project team using the question tool below.


Keirnan Park Recreation and Sporting Precinct is a 63-hectare site located on the corner of Keirnan Street and South Western Highway, Mundijong.

In recognition of the significant population growth in the Shire, an assessment of community infrastructure and public open space needs identified the need for a district sporting space that can also perform a regional function for identified key sporting codes.

Keirnan Park was identified as the most appropriate location for this sport space and this was supported by a decision by the State Government in August 2020 to provide $20 million for a first stage development. The precinct's Masterplan was endorsed by Council on 15 March 2021.

What's happening now

To stay up to date with the latest news and information on the Keirnan Park Recreation and Sporting Precinct, visit our Latest News section.

Keirnan Park Stakeholder Reference Group

The Keirnan Park Stakeholder Reference Group was formed at the end of 2021. More information about the group is available under the “documents section” of this webpage.

Got a question?

You can submit questions about the Keirnan Park Recreation and Sporting Precinct to our project team using the question tool below.

  • Project update October 2024

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    Tenders invited for Keirnan Park Stage 1A project

    The Shire has invited tenders for the Stage 1A Construction Works - Head Contractor for Keirnan Park. Stage 1A of Keirnan Park includes the delivery of services, entry road, two community sporting oval and community pavilion.

    Tenders are invited and will be received until 2:00pm (AWST) on Tuesday 19 November 2024. Tender Documents & Contract Requirements are available from the Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale Tenderlink website:

    Thriving Suburbs application submitted for Keirnan Park Stage 1B BMX project

    In September 2024, Council received the project scope, project timeline delivery options and funding options for Keirnan Park – Stage 1B.

    The Shire has submitted a funding application to the Federal Government’s Thriving Suburbs Program for the Keirnan Park BMX project. Securing external funding for the project will assist the Shire to deliver this important community project sooner than the Shire’s current funding program allows for this project.

    The Shire will also be working the Byford BMX Club, to identify a staged delivery plan for the project, aligned to the elements in the Community Infrastructure Development Contribution Plan (DCP), to allow the delivery of Phase 1 for the relocation of the Byford BMX Club from Briggs Park to Keirnan Park.

    Concept Designs endorsed for Keirnan Park Stage 1C Netball project

    The Shire has completed the Keirnan Park Netball Needs Assessment and Concept Design, which has confirmed that the Shire’s current netball court and facility provision is not suitable or sufficient for current and future demand.

    Keirnan Park, being the single largest land available within the Shire for sporting use, provides the necessary area and capability to facilitate the development of the Netball Association, which would see them vacating the current courts in Mundijong.

    Council endorsed the Keirnan Park Netball Needs Assessment and Concept Design in October 2024 and the Shire will continue to advocate in the lead up to the 2025 State and Federal Government elections to secure funding for the delivery of Keirnan Park Netball project (Stage 1C), being 15 courts and pavilion as a single stage project estimated at $40.4 million.

  • Project Update May 2024

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    Groundwater Update

    The application to take water for Stage 1A has been submitted to the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation (DWER). Alongside this, the Groundwater Licence Operating Strategy (GLOS) has been completed and submitted to DWER for their review and comments.

    Clearing Permit

    The process for obtaining the Clearing Permit with the federal Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW) has been successfully closed out. The team is now working with the state body, DWER, to secure the permit approval with necessary conditions. The formal application for the permit has been submitted to DWER.

    Stakeholder engagement

    Over the past three months, Shire Officers have been liaising with Keirnan Park stakeholders to progress MOUs between their respective clubs and the Shire.

    The purpose of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is to create a strong, transparent, and positive working relationship between the Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale and local clubs to provide contemporary sporting infrastructure through the successful delivery of the Stages 1A, 1B and 1C of the Keirnan Park Sporting and Recreation Precinct.

    This will be achieved by:

    • Mutual understanding and respect of each other's role, responsibilities, and needs
    • Participation in the Keirnan Park Stakeholder Reference Group to discuss issues of mutual interest and resolve problems
    • Open, honest, and transparent communication
    • Development of a co-operative culture
    • Jointly keeping the community informed on matters discussed by the Keirnan Park Stakeholder Reference Group.
    • Collaboration on advocacy efforts to secure external funding to support the delivery and completion of Stages 1A, 1B and 1C

    A draft MOU template is provided on the documents section of this webpage.

    Next steps

    The project team has finalised the latest cost estimates for the delivery of Stage 1A, positioning the project ahead of the tendering phase. These updates and the overall project status will be presented to Elected Members at a workshop in the coming weeks to determine next steps for the project.

  • Update: Major step forward in securing water supply

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    Development of the Keirnan Park Recreation and Sporting Precinct has taken a step forward with the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation (DWER) confirming the Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale may now apply to allocate water supply for the project from a Cattamara Coal Measures deep aquifer.

    The Cattamara Coal Measures are a series of aquifers located within the Perth basin, which the Shire will apply to source 50,000 kilolitres of water from to support delivery of Stage 1A of the future major sporting facility.

    The application will be lodged in the coming weeks and follows on from a substantial H2 water investigation carried out by the Shire in December 2023.

    As part of the application process, the Shire will prepare a standalone Groundwater Licence Operating Strategy to address additional ground water monitoring and management which will be required throughout the project.

    The Shire will also install two additional Cattamara Coal Measures bores to monitor the long-term drawdown effects of the water abstraction.

    Should the application be approved by DWER, the aquifer would supply water for the construction of Stage 1A using the existing production bore drilled on site in 2023.

    Stage 1A of the Keirnan Park project includes construction of a multi-use sports pavilion, car park, entry road and ovals.

  • Update: Stage 1B planning complete as focus shifts to Stage 1C

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    Progress continues to be made at the site of the future Keirnan Park Recreation and Sporting Precinct as we edge closer to the end of the 2023 calendar year. The latest update from site includes information about key water investigation works and the official completion of the planning phase for Stage 1B.

    Read on for more.

    Stage 1A - Multi use pavilion, entry road, car park and ovals

    Shire officers are programming the future delivery of Stage 1A based on predicted time frames on completion of the water investigation and clearing permit process.

    Drilling to create a monitoring bore occurred in November 2023 (this was delayed due to wet ground conditions on site). Water sampling has been sent for analysis and a report is programmed to be submitted to DWER in mid-December 2023 for evaluation.

    The DCCEEW has requested the Shire produce a “Mitigation Strategy” for the night roosting of Black Cockatoo at Keirnan Park and Dieback Management Plan for the site. The Shire’s environmental consultants are progressing the strategy. The Clearing Permit process will continue once the strategy has been evaluated by DCCEEW.

    Stage 1B – BMX Track and Pavilion

    Final design documentation for Stage 1B is complete. The planning phase for Stage 1B is now closed out.

    Stage 1C – Netball Courts

    The first stage of planning has commenced for Stage 1C, with the development of a brief for a consultant to undertake a Needs Assessment, Concept Design and Cost Estimate report. This documentation will be used for State and Federal Government election advocacy, as well as for external funding applications to secure funding to deliver the project.

  • Update: Planning complete for Stage 1A

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    Keirnan Park has taken some major steps forward in recent weeks. Read on below to see the latest updates.

    Stage 1A - Multi use pavilion, entry road, car park and ovals

    Shire officers have received the finalised documentation on Stage 1A Tender and Tender 2. Stage 1A planning phase is now closed out as of the 15 August 2023.

    Stage 1B – BMX Track and Pavilion

    Shire officers have received the final design documentation for Stage 1B. The planning phase for Stage 1B is now closed out.

    Engagement with sporting clubs regarding MoUs

    As detailed design is complete for both Stages 1A and 1B, the Shire would like to establish Memorandum of Understandings (MoUs) for Keirnan Park with relevant and interested local sporting clubs before the project moves to tender and construction phase for Stage 1A.

    The establishment of MoUs between the Shire and local sporting clubs for Keirnan Park aim to:

    • Formalise sporting club support that they will utilize community infrastructure delivered as part of Keirnan Park Stage 1A project.
    • Formalise sporting club support for Stages 1B and 1C as the projects progress through the planning stages and funding advocacy
    • Provide project justification to Council and funding bodies for the Keirnan Park Stages 1A, 1B and 1C to progress to their next phase (ie Stage 1A to tender and procurement phase)
    • Inform future planning for Service Level Agreements between the Shire and local sporting clubs for the community infrastructure that will be provided within the relevant stages.

    Shire officers will be in contact with sporting club representatives to arrange meetings to occur between the Shire and the club’s committee/membership about the establishment of MoUs.

    Water investigations

    Works are planned to commence in August/September when the site is dry enough to accommodate drilling equipment. Investigation results scheduled to be completed by October/November 2023.

    Keirnan Park Management Order

    The Department of Planning Lands and Heritage have advised that the request to change the Keirnan Park Management order to include Community use and Agriculture has been approved and is with Landgate for finalisation.

  • Update: Stage 1A planning phase almost closed out

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    Two weeks on from our latest Keirnan Park update and plenty more exciting progress has taken place.

    Read below to find out the latest movements both on-site and in the planning phase.

    Stage 1A - Multi use pavilion, entry road, car park and ovals

    Shire officers have received the finalised documentation on Stage 1A Tender 1 with a Certificate of Design compliance (CDC) and are awaiting the CDC for Stage 1A Tender 2. Stage 1A planning phase will be closed out once all documentation is received.

    Stage 1B – BMX Track and Pavilion

    Shire Officers have completed their review of the BMX Track and Pavilion documentation and are awaiting the CDC to close out the planning phase of the project.

    Water investigations

    A hydrological consultant has been engaged to carry out the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation (DWER) required H2 investigations in the Cattamarra aquifer. Works are planned to commence in August 2023, with investigation results scheduled to be completed by October 2023.

    Weed spraying at Keirnan Park

    Weed spraying occurred the week ending the 23 June as part of ongoing maintenance of the site. Follow-up spraying may occur in Spring, if required.

    Clearing permits

    A clearing permit has been lodged with Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water. The clearing permit process will allow approval to commence construction phase once this is in hand. The Shire is awaiting the outcome of this application.

  • Update: Detailed design nearing completion, water update and more

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    Progress continues at the site of the Keirnan Park Recreation and Sporting Precinct, with some key milestones being achieved in recent weeks.

    These include important works on Stage 1A and 1B, as well updates on draft service level agreements and clearing permits. See the full updates below:

    Stage 1A - Multi use pavilion, entry road, car park and ovals

    Shire officers are working with the design consultant to finalise the detailed design documentation.

    Stage 1B – BMX Track and Pavilion

    Shire Officers have received 100% detailed design of Stage 1B from our design consultants and are reviewing the documentation.


    The Department of Water and Environmental Regulation (DWER) have advised the Shire that a H2 assessment is required before it makes a determination in the Shire’s request to access the deeper aquifer (Cattamarra Coal Measure Aquifer) at Keirnan Park. Subject to Council resolution, the H2 assessment is anticipated to take three to four months before DWER can advise if water can be taken sustainably from the deeper aquifer.

    Draft Service Level Agreements – Stage 1A and 1B

    A draft service level agreement template has been developed and shared with the Keirnan Park Stakeholder Reference Group. The templates will be used to develop Service Level Agreements for Stages 1A and 1B when the respective stages reach the appropriate point of the project development.

    Clearing permits

    A clearing permit has been lodged with Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water. The clearing permit process will allow approval to commence construction phase once this is in hand. The Shire is awaiting the outcome of this application.

  • Update: Detailed design nears completion, clearing permit lodged

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    Stage 1A - Multi use pavilion, entry road, car park and ovals

    Shire Officers have received final detailed design of Stage 1A, Bill of Quantities and Tender Documentation from our design consultants and are reviewing the package which is anticipated to be closed out by end of April.

    Stage 1B – BMX Track and Pavilion

    Shire Officers have received 90% detailed design of Stage 1B from our design consultants and are reviewing the documentation. Bill of Quantities and tender documentation review close out expected by end of June.

    Draft Service Level Agreements – Stage 1A and 1B

    At its March meeting, Council requested the Chief Executive Officer to develop initial draft service level agreement covering Keirnan Park Stages 1A and 1B for circulation to relevant sporting clubs.

    The initial draft service level agreement for Stage 1A will be developed once a decision has been made by the State Government on the Shire’s additional funding request of $4 million and the initial draft service level agreement covering Stage 1B will be circulated to relevant sporting clubs by end of May 2023.

    Clearing permits

    A clearing permit has been lodged with Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water. The clearing permit process will allow approval to commence construction phase once this is in hand.

    Keirnan Park Management Order – request to amend

    The Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale is the Management Body for a portion of Reserve 7125 – the 63 ha site referred to as Keirnan Park - the purpose of which is Recreation and Sporting Complex only.

    The Shire intends to develop the Keirnan Park site in accordance with this purpose however due to the size of the land, development will need to be undertaken in a staged manner over several years.

    Due to the staged nature of the proposed development, there will be a requirement to proactively manage the whole landholding to comply with bush fire regulations. This will require the undeveloped portion of the land to be kept weed free, vegetation generally at a low level and maintain fire breaks.

    At its March meeting, Council approved the Chief Executive Officer to submit the Crown Land Enquiry Form (CLEF) application to the Department of Planning Lands and Heritage for amendment to the existing management order of the site to include Agriculture and Community Use.

    Adding Agriculture and Community Use to the existing Management Order would allow the Shire to manage the leasing portion of the site for cropping whilst the balance of site is in construction phase and make provisions for future community facilities such as a Youth Centre and Men’s Shed.

  • Funding secured to progress project planning works, design works progressing, Stakeholder Reference Group meeting

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    supporting image

    Funding secured to progress project planning works

    The Shire has been advised by the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries it will be releasing $1.5 million from the $18 million Financial Assistance Agreement 2 for the Shire to complete associated planning and design works for the Keirnan Park project.

    Stage 1A - Multi use pavilion, entry road, car park and ovals

    Stage 1A Design and Tender documents are programmed to be finalised by the end of March 2023. This package of documents will allow the Shire to tender Stage 1A for construction. You can view design documents relating to Stage 1A under the “documents section” of this webpage.

    The investigation works for irrigation water have been ongoing throughout 2022 and was completed in January 2023. Bores in the superficial aquifer have not provided the quantity required to irrigate Stage 1A. One bore was drilled into a deeper aquifer and has the potential to water the first Stage 1A, however, permission is required from the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation (DWER). Other methods have been designed to achieve water supply such as water sensitive urban design (WSUD) techniques, which are at a concept stage. The Shire will be engaging with DWER and Minister for Water over the coming months to discuss water security for the Stage 1A development.

    Stage 1B – BMX Track and Pavilion

    The BMX Track and pavilion (Stage 1B) concept design has been signed off and is now in detailed design phase. Byford BMX have been involved in reviewing all the designs and documentation which are programmed to be completed in April 2023.

    Keirnan Park Stakeholder Reference Group

    The Keirnan Park Stakeholder Reference Group was formed at the end of 2021 and have met several times during 2022.

    The group met for the first time in 2023 on Wednesday, 15 February 2023 to receive an update on the progress of Stage 1A, Stage 1B, water investigations and project funding.

    More information about the group, and the February 2023 meeting notes, are available under the “documents section” of this webpage.

  • Stage 1A Project Scope endorsed

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    At its May 2022 meeting, Council endorsed the Project Scope for Stage 1A of the Kiernan Park Recreation and Sporting Precinct to deliver the project within the available $20 million project budget.

    The Project Scope for Stage 1A is:

    • Singular entrance road into the site
    • 100 car parking spaces
    • One senior sized oval (165 x 135 meters)
    • Single-floor pavilion

    You can view the endorsed project scope under the documents section of this webpage.

    The above project scope has been endorsed to ensure the Shire can deliver Stage 1A in the current economic climate and within the available $20 million project budget.

    The Shire is also advocating for an addition $4.05 million from the State Government to deliver a second oval and supporting infrastructure as part of Stage 1A.

    Facilities to be provided within the pavilion include:

    • 4 changerooms 253m2
    • Male/Female umpire change rooms 33m2
    • First aid room 12m2
    • Office 21m2
    • timekeeper room 15m2
    • Store rooms 67m2
    • Unisex Accessible Toilet
    • Semi commercial kitchen 49m2
    • Kiosk 25m2
    • Bar 28m2
    • Social space 300m2
    • Cleaners cupboard 5m2
    • Foyer 52m2
    • Store 15m2
    • Meeting room 23m2
    • Public toilets male and female

    So what's happening now?

    The Shire is currently progressing with the following activities for Stage 1A:

    • Design development on site entry road alignment, clearing and creek crossing
    • Continuing with design development for the pavilion
    • Ongoing stakeholder engagement
    • Continuing with Aboriginal Detail Investigation and S16 Application
    • Reviewing Tree Study and Fauna Survey in Keirnan Park
    • Further development of Bush Fire Management Plan
    • Advocacy for additional funding to deliver a second oval for Stage 1A
Page last updated: 21 Oct 2024, 10:00 AM