Update: Planning complete for Stage 1A
Keirnan Park has taken some major steps forward in recent weeks. Read on below to see the latest updates.
Stage 1A - Multi use pavilion, entry road, car park and ovals
Shire officers have received the finalised documentation on Stage 1A Tender and Tender 2. Stage 1A planning phase is now closed out as of the 15 August 2023.
Stage 1B – BMX Track and Pavilion
Shire officers have received the final design documentation for Stage 1B. The planning phase for Stage 1B is now closed out.
Engagement with sporting clubs regarding MoUs
As detailed design is complete for both Stages 1A and 1B, the Shire would like to establish Memorandum of Understandings (MoUs) for Keirnan Park with relevant and interested local sporting clubs before the project moves to tender and construction phase for Stage 1A.
The establishment of MoUs between the Shire and local sporting clubs for Keirnan Park aim to:
- Formalise sporting club support that they will utilize community infrastructure delivered as part of Keirnan Park Stage 1A project.
- Formalise sporting club support for Stages 1B and 1C as the projects progress through the planning stages and funding advocacy
- Provide project justification to Council and funding bodies for the Keirnan Park Stages 1A, 1B and 1C to progress to their next phase (ie Stage 1A to tender and procurement phase)
- Inform future planning for Service Level Agreements between the Shire and local sporting clubs for the community infrastructure that will be provided within the relevant stages.
Shire officers will be in contact with sporting club representatives to arrange meetings to occur between the Shire and the club’s committee/membership about the establishment of MoUs.
Water investigations
Works are planned to commence in August/September when the site is dry enough to accommodate drilling equipment. Investigation results scheduled to be completed by October/November 2023.
Keirnan Park Management Order
The Department of Planning Lands and Heritage have advised that the request to change the Keirnan Park Management order to include Community use and Agriculture has been approved and is with Landgate for finalisation.