Keirnan Park Recreation and Sporting Precinct

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Keirnan Park Recreation and Sporting Precinct is a 63-hectare site located on the corner of Keirnan Street and South Western Highway, Mundijong.

In recognition of the significant population growth in the Shire, an assessment of community infrastructure and public open space needs identified the need for a district sporting space that can also perform a regional function for identified key sporting codes.

Keirnan Park was identified as the most appropriate location for this sport space, and this was supported by a decision by the State Government in August 2020 to provide $20 million for a first stage development. The precinct's Masterplan was endorsed by Council on 15 March 2021.

What's happening now

To stay up to date with the latest news and information on the Keirnan Park Recreation and Sporting Precinct, visit our Latest News section.

Keirnan Park Stakeholder Reference Group

The Keirnan Park Stakeholder Reference Group was formed at the end of 2021. More information about the group is available under the “documents section” of this webpage.

Got a question?

You can submit questions about the Keirnan Park Recreation and Sporting Precinct to our project team using the question tool below.


Keirnan Park Recreation and Sporting Precinct is a 63-hectare site located on the corner of Keirnan Street and South Western Highway, Mundijong.

In recognition of the significant population growth in the Shire, an assessment of community infrastructure and public open space needs identified the need for a district sporting space that can also perform a regional function for identified key sporting codes.

Keirnan Park was identified as the most appropriate location for this sport space, and this was supported by a decision by the State Government in August 2020 to provide $20 million for a first stage development. The precinct's Masterplan was endorsed by Council on 15 March 2021.

What's happening now

To stay up to date with the latest news and information on the Keirnan Park Recreation and Sporting Precinct, visit our Latest News section.

Keirnan Park Stakeholder Reference Group

The Keirnan Park Stakeholder Reference Group was formed at the end of 2021. More information about the group is available under the “documents section” of this webpage.

Got a question?

You can submit questions about the Keirnan Park Recreation and Sporting Precinct to our project team using the question tool below.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    The Shire is planning for the future of the community, with the creation of a recreation precinct at Keirnan Park. Detailed design is underway for stages 1A and 1B and we are inviting  the community to share their views on the design.

    While there is more detailed engagement occurring with local sporting groups, this short survey is asking for broader community feedback on a number of key elements of the design of stage 1A and 1B.

    Your responses are anonymous and will be collated with the input received by the other engagement activities.

    This survey should take 5 minutes to complete.

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Page last updated: 13 Dec 2024, 10:40 AM