Update: Stage 1A planning phase almost closed out
Two weeks on from our latest Keirnan Park update and plenty more exciting progress has taken place.
Read below to find out the latest movements both on-site and in the planning phase.
Stage 1A - Multi use pavilion, entry road, car park and ovals
Shire officers have received the finalised documentation on Stage 1A Tender 1 with a Certificate of Design compliance (CDC) and are awaiting the CDC for Stage 1A Tender 2. Stage 1A planning phase will be closed out once all documentation is received.
Stage 1B – BMX Track and Pavilion
Shire Officers have completed their review of the BMX Track and Pavilion documentation and are awaiting the CDC to close out the planning phase of the project.
Water investigations
A hydrological consultant has been engaged to carry out the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation (DWER) required H2 investigations in the Cattamarra aquifer. Works are planned to commence in August 2023, with investigation results scheduled to be completed by October 2023.
Weed spraying at Keirnan Park
Weed spraying occurred the week ending the 23 June as part of ongoing maintenance of the site. Follow-up spraying may occur in Spring, if required.
Clearing permits
A clearing permit has been lodged with Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water. The clearing permit process will allow approval to commence construction phase once this is in hand. The Shire is awaiting the outcome of this application.