Update: Major step forward in securing water supply
Development of the Keirnan Park Recreation and Sporting Precinct has taken a step forward with the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation (DWER) confirming the Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale may now apply to allocate water supply for the project from a Cattamara Coal Measures deep aquifer.
The Cattamara Coal Measures are a series of aquifers located within the Perth basin, which the Shire will apply to source 50,000 kilolitres of water from to support delivery of Stage 1A of the future major sporting facility.
The application will be lodged in the coming weeks and follows on from a substantial H2 water investigation carried out by the Shire in December 2023.
As part of the application process, the Shire will prepare a standalone Groundwater Licence Operating Strategy to address additional ground water monitoring and management which will be required throughout the project.
The Shire will also install two additional Cattamara Coal Measures bores to monitor the long-term drawdown effects of the water abstraction.
Should the application be approved by DWER, the aquifer would supply water for the construction of Stage 1A using the existing production bore drilled on site in 2023.
Stage 1A of the Keirnan Park project includes construction of a multi-use sports pavilion, car park, entry road and ovals.