Update: Stage 1B planning complete as focus shifts to Stage 1C
Progress continues to be made at the site of the future Keirnan Park Recreation and Sporting Precinct as we edge closer to the end of the 2023 calendar year. The latest update from site includes information about key water investigation works and the official completion of the planning phase for Stage 1B.
Read on for more.
Stage 1A - Multi use pavilion, entry road, car park and ovals
Shire officers are programming the future delivery of Stage 1A based on predicted time frames on completion of the water investigation and clearing permit process.
Drilling to create a monitoring bore occurred in November 2023 (this was delayed due to wet ground conditions on site). Water sampling has been sent for analysis and a report is programmed to be submitted to DWER in mid-December 2023 for evaluation.
The DCCEEW has requested the Shire produce a “Mitigation Strategy” for the night roosting of Black Cockatoo at Keirnan Park and Dieback Management Plan for the site. The Shire’s environmental consultants are progressing the strategy. The Clearing Permit process will continue once the strategy has been evaluated by DCCEEW.
Stage 1B – BMX Track and Pavilion
Final design documentation for Stage 1B is complete. The planning phase for Stage 1B is now closed out.
Stage 1C – Netball Courts
The first stage of planning has commenced for Stage 1C, with the development of a brief for a consultant to undertake a Needs Assessment, Concept Design and Cost Estimate report. This documentation will be used for State and Federal Government election advocacy, as well as for external funding applications to secure funding to deliver the project.