Welcome to Your Say SJ

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About Your Say SJ

At the Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale, we value your feedback. Our aim is to keep you up to date with the projects and activities that are most important to you. Your Say SJ aligns with the Shire's Community Engagement Strategy, adopted by Council in August 2020, which aims to ensure we deliver best practice in community engagement across the Shire. You can access the Strategy on the right hand side of this page under "documents".

Quick Polls

From time to time, the Shire will publish Quick Polls on this webpage when we are seeking community feedback on a particular matter. You can view open and completed Quick Polls below.

About Your Say SJ

At the Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale, we value your feedback. Our aim is to keep you up to date with the projects and activities that are most important to you. Your Say SJ aligns with the Shire's Community Engagement Strategy, adopted by Council in August 2020, which aims to ensure we deliver best practice in community engagement across the Shire. You can access the Strategy on the right hand side of this page under "documents".

Quick Polls

From time to time, the Shire will publish Quick Polls on this webpage when we are seeking community feedback on a particular matter. You can view open and completed Quick Polls below.

Have a question? Ask and we will respond.

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  • Share the gravel type footpaths around the lake at the Scarp are badly degraded and are dangerous, can you please inform me of any plans to fix them up. also the footpath running vertically to South West Hway between Karangi Circle and Howitzer are raised and also dangerous. on Facebook Share the gravel type footpaths around the lake at the Scarp are badly degraded and are dangerous, can you please inform me of any plans to fix them up. also the footpath running vertically to South West Hway between Karangi Circle and Howitzer are raised and also dangerous. on Twitter Share the gravel type footpaths around the lake at the Scarp are badly degraded and are dangerous, can you please inform me of any plans to fix them up. also the footpath running vertically to South West Hway between Karangi Circle and Howitzer are raised and also dangerous. on Linkedin Email the gravel type footpaths around the lake at the Scarp are badly degraded and are dangerous, can you please inform me of any plans to fix them up. also the footpath running vertically to South West Hway between Karangi Circle and Howitzer are raised and also dangerous. link

    the gravel type footpaths around the lake at the Scarp are badly degraded and are dangerous, can you please inform me of any plans to fix them up. also the footpath running vertically to South West Hway between Karangi Circle and Howitzer are raised and also dangerous.

    dawn asked over 2 years ago

    Good afternoon, Thank you for submitting your feedback through Your Say SJ. For us to assign and manage your request, we ask you to kindly submit your request through our website. Follow the steps here: https://www.sjshire.wa.gov.au/community/services/request-report-it.aspx. Thank you, the Your Say SJ team 

  • Share I travel on Orton Road everyday and the condition of that road is so bad that its undriveable. That road been accessed by many other road users and each has to navigate through those massive potholes. What is Shire doing to fix it and how long it will take before someone gets injured? on Facebook Share I travel on Orton Road everyday and the condition of that road is so bad that its undriveable. That road been accessed by many other road users and each has to navigate through those massive potholes. What is Shire doing to fix it and how long it will take before someone gets injured? on Twitter Share I travel on Orton Road everyday and the condition of that road is so bad that its undriveable. That road been accessed by many other road users and each has to navigate through those massive potholes. What is Shire doing to fix it and how long it will take before someone gets injured? on Linkedin Email I travel on Orton Road everyday and the condition of that road is so bad that its undriveable. That road been accessed by many other road users and each has to navigate through those massive potholes. What is Shire doing to fix it and how long it will take before someone gets injured? link

    I travel on Orton Road everyday and the condition of that road is so bad that its undriveable. That road been accessed by many other road users and each has to navigate through those massive potholes. What is Shire doing to fix it and how long it will take before someone gets injured?

    SD of SJ asked over 2 years ago

    Following an $18 million State Government commitment, three key roads in the Shire will be upgraded, one of which is Orton Road. You can learn more about the road upgrade project here.

    If you would like to report any urgent maintenance works on the road, please submit it via our Request and Report It

  • Share The Perth Mint has a limited edition coin to called the "Brave Coin Pendant" for fire fighters (cost $65). It would be nice if each year our Shire presented a Special coin or Pendant to 2 volunteer firefighters/helpers each year to recognise their efforts on Facebook Share The Perth Mint has a limited edition coin to called the "Brave Coin Pendant" for fire fighters (cost $65). It would be nice if each year our Shire presented a Special coin or Pendant to 2 volunteer firefighters/helpers each year to recognise their efforts on Twitter Share The Perth Mint has a limited edition coin to called the "Brave Coin Pendant" for fire fighters (cost $65). It would be nice if each year our Shire presented a Special coin or Pendant to 2 volunteer firefighters/helpers each year to recognise their efforts on Linkedin Email The Perth Mint has a limited edition coin to called the "Brave Coin Pendant" for fire fighters (cost $65). It would be nice if each year our Shire presented a Special coin or Pendant to 2 volunteer firefighters/helpers each year to recognise their efforts link

    The Perth Mint has a limited edition coin to called the "Brave Coin Pendant" for fire fighters (cost $65). It would be nice if each year our Shire presented a Special coin or Pendant to 2 volunteer firefighters/helpers each year to recognise their efforts

    Whatcanisay asked about 3 years ago

    Hello, each year we celebrate our Emergency Service volunteers with an annual awards ceremony and dinner. If you would like to discuss your coin idea further please phone the Shire on (08) 9526 1111 and request to speak to Gillian French, Coordinator Emergency Services.

  • Share Who can i speak to directly (face to face) about a potential community project at the new Keirnan/SW Highway development. on Facebook Share Who can i speak to directly (face to face) about a potential community project at the new Keirnan/SW Highway development. on Twitter Share Who can i speak to directly (face to face) about a potential community project at the new Keirnan/SW Highway development. on Linkedin Email Who can i speak to directly (face to face) about a potential community project at the new Keirnan/SW Highway development. link

    Who can i speak to directly (face to face) about a potential community project at the new Keirnan/SW Highway development.

    Gary asked about 3 years ago

    Please call the Shire on (08) 9526 1111 and request to speak to James Gichuhi, Senior Project Engineer, to discuss your idea further.

  • Share Over the years there has been a huge decrease in wild life in the area. I tried to find out more about animals in our Shire however discovered that no one has done studies in our Shire on Wild Life and Floral. I had quendas visit my garden and now they are all gone, the frog population is dwendeling. Is it possible with the Native Custodians for money to be found to encourage residents and experts to look at what is currently living here and what is endangered to help future plans and development. I have not seen one developer remove and rehome animals and flora in Byford. If they are doing this I believe the Shire should put this in the Development Plans that residents have the opportunity to join in and understand what is being done to save our environment. on Facebook Share Over the years there has been a huge decrease in wild life in the area. I tried to find out more about animals in our Shire however discovered that no one has done studies in our Shire on Wild Life and Floral. I had quendas visit my garden and now they are all gone, the frog population is dwendeling. Is it possible with the Native Custodians for money to be found to encourage residents and experts to look at what is currently living here and what is endangered to help future plans and development. I have not seen one developer remove and rehome animals and flora in Byford. If they are doing this I believe the Shire should put this in the Development Plans that residents have the opportunity to join in and understand what is being done to save our environment. on Twitter Share Over the years there has been a huge decrease in wild life in the area. I tried to find out more about animals in our Shire however discovered that no one has done studies in our Shire on Wild Life and Floral. I had quendas visit my garden and now they are all gone, the frog population is dwendeling. Is it possible with the Native Custodians for money to be found to encourage residents and experts to look at what is currently living here and what is endangered to help future plans and development. I have not seen one developer remove and rehome animals and flora in Byford. If they are doing this I believe the Shire should put this in the Development Plans that residents have the opportunity to join in and understand what is being done to save our environment. on Linkedin Email Over the years there has been a huge decrease in wild life in the area. I tried to find out more about animals in our Shire however discovered that no one has done studies in our Shire on Wild Life and Floral. I had quendas visit my garden and now they are all gone, the frog population is dwendeling. Is it possible with the Native Custodians for money to be found to encourage residents and experts to look at what is currently living here and what is endangered to help future plans and development. I have not seen one developer remove and rehome animals and flora in Byford. If they are doing this I believe the Shire should put this in the Development Plans that residents have the opportunity to join in and understand what is being done to save our environment. link

    Over the years there has been a huge decrease in wild life in the area. I tried to find out more about animals in our Shire however discovered that no one has done studies in our Shire on Wild Life and Floral. I had quendas visit my garden and now they are all gone, the frog population is dwendeling. Is it possible with the Native Custodians for money to be found to encourage residents and experts to look at what is currently living here and what is endangered to help future plans and development. I have not seen one developer remove and rehome animals and flora in Byford. If they are doing this I believe the Shire should put this in the Development Plans that residents have the opportunity to join in and understand what is being done to save our environment.

    Whatcanisay asked over 3 years ago

    The Shire is committed to managing the balance between development and protecting our environment. We have dedicated professionals that work collaboratively with developers and the State Government to ensure sustainable responses to land use change within the Shire, so that there can be a co-existence between the natural and built landscapes. Whilst this does not solve the challenge of the displacement of our fauna and flora by development, it provides an avenue in which to ensure that development takes place in a way that considers environmental aspects throughout.

  • Share Is the council willing to discuss ways of engaging rate payers in ways to maintain verges and medians strips that are currently being neglected and are full of weeds. on Facebook Share Is the council willing to discuss ways of engaging rate payers in ways to maintain verges and medians strips that are currently being neglected and are full of weeds. on Twitter Share Is the council willing to discuss ways of engaging rate payers in ways to maintain verges and medians strips that are currently being neglected and are full of weeds. on Linkedin Email Is the council willing to discuss ways of engaging rate payers in ways to maintain verges and medians strips that are currently being neglected and are full of weeds. link

    Is the council willing to discuss ways of engaging rate payers in ways to maintain verges and medians strips that are currently being neglected and are full of weeds.

    BDargie asked about 4 years ago

    The Shire currently engages with a number of community groups to maintain verges throughout the Shire and Council is willing to discuss potential options.  It encourages residents to assist in the maintenance of verges within the Shire, and as such has outlined this in two policies that have been adopted by Council. These are Council Policy 2.2.7- Permissible Verge Treatments - Rural and Council Policy 2.2.6 - Permissible Verge Treatments - Urban.  Both policies are available on the Shire’s website.

    Council has a program where residents can register their verge to not be maintained by the Shire. This program is called the Managed Verges Program and mainly applies to rural and semi- rural properties. Residents can register their details with the Shire and their verge is marked and added to the list, so that Shire employees and contractors know to avoid these areas.

    A further option available is whereby residents can join one of the local community groups (such as Byford Envirolink, Serpentine Environmental Group, Landcare SJ) that assist the Shire through planting and beautifying of verges, removal of weeds in selected locations and picking up of rubbish within the corridors.

    The Shire currently expends approximately $400,000 on verge maintenance annually and is continuing to review our existing verge maintenance policies to include strategies to encourage the community to be involved in the maintenance of passive verge spaces.

    If you have any ideas that you would like to discuss with the Shire, please contact us on 9526 1111 or email us via info@sjshire.wa.gov.au

  • Share submission for Rating Strategy and Differential Rates proposal. Q. Why are the residents who get the least facilities, the ones who have a rate increase under this new UV-Rural Residential? on Facebook Share submission for Rating Strategy and Differential Rates proposal. Q. Why are the residents who get the least facilities, the ones who have a rate increase under this new UV-Rural Residential? on Twitter Share submission for Rating Strategy and Differential Rates proposal. Q. Why are the residents who get the least facilities, the ones who have a rate increase under this new UV-Rural Residential? on Linkedin Email submission for Rating Strategy and Differential Rates proposal. Q. Why are the residents who get the least facilities, the ones who have a rate increase under this new UV-Rural Residential? link

    submission for Rating Strategy and Differential Rates proposal. Q. Why are the residents who get the least facilities, the ones who have a rate increase under this new UV-Rural Residential?

    sylvia.scally asked over 3 years ago

    Thanks for your question. Rates are a tax not a fee for service, rates should be viewed in the same way as income tax which has no linkage to a particular service.

    The WA Local Government Association has FAQs about rates, which you can view here: https://walga.asn.au/About-Local-Government/Rates

    If you would like to discuss your individual circumstance further, please contact our Rates Team via 9526 1111 or rates@sjshire.wa.gov.au

  • Share Is there a start time regulation for use of crane on building sites in the Icaria area of the Glades please? We had issues with 5am use of cranes and large vehicle not being outlines with safety cones or barriers when its a two lane public road its parked on at 5am in the morning. on Facebook Share Is there a start time regulation for use of crane on building sites in the Icaria area of the Glades please? We had issues with 5am use of cranes and large vehicle not being outlines with safety cones or barriers when its a two lane public road its parked on at 5am in the morning. on Twitter Share Is there a start time regulation for use of crane on building sites in the Icaria area of the Glades please? We had issues with 5am use of cranes and large vehicle not being outlines with safety cones or barriers when its a two lane public road its parked on at 5am in the morning. on Linkedin Email Is there a start time regulation for use of crane on building sites in the Icaria area of the Glades please? We had issues with 5am use of cranes and large vehicle not being outlines with safety cones or barriers when its a two lane public road its parked on at 5am in the morning. link

    Is there a start time regulation for use of crane on building sites in the Icaria area of the Glades please? We had issues with 5am use of cranes and large vehicle not being outlines with safety cones or barriers when its a two lane public road its parked on at 5am in the morning.

    amoc asked almost 4 years ago

    Hello, our Environmental health Team advises that construction activities are permitted from 7am – 7pm. If you wish to discuss this matter further, please contact the Team during business hours on 9526 1111 or you can Request and Report It online via https://www.sjshire.wa.gov.au/requestandreport

    Kind regards, SJ Comms Team.

  • Share Why does the Shire not extend the Sansimeon blvd so that BSC students can have a safe walking path to use? on Facebook Share Why does the Shire not extend the Sansimeon blvd so that BSC students can have a safe walking path to use? on Twitter Share Why does the Shire not extend the Sansimeon blvd so that BSC students can have a safe walking path to use? on Linkedin Email Why does the Shire not extend the Sansimeon blvd so that BSC students can have a safe walking path to use? link

    Why does the Shire not extend the Sansimeon blvd so that BSC students can have a safe walking path to use?

    Sofi asked over 3 years ago

    The adopted Byford Town Centre Structure Plan designates the structural layout of new road extensions that will link the community with the overall town centre. This includes the future extension of San Simeon Boulevard, which will link through to the Abernethy Road/Gordin Way roundabout, as well as linking through to George Street. 

    However, as with the development of Byford west of the railway, private developers and entities delivering major projects (like Byford Metronet) are responsible for delivering these road links. The Shire continues to advocate for the early delivery of these links, and it is expected that full road connectivity will be achieved within the next 3 to 4 years.

  • Share Why does the Shire not open the Byford tennis courts to Byford residents to use to promote better lifestyle? on Facebook Share Why does the Shire not open the Byford tennis courts to Byford residents to use to promote better lifestyle? on Twitter Share Why does the Shire not open the Byford tennis courts to Byford residents to use to promote better lifestyle? on Linkedin Email Why does the Shire not open the Byford tennis courts to Byford residents to use to promote better lifestyle? link

    Why does the Shire not open the Byford tennis courts to Byford residents to use to promote better lifestyle?

    Sofi asked over 3 years ago

    The Byford Tennis Courts are a public space and is available to all Shire residents. Bookings are not essential, however the courts can be hired exclusively and at no cost via https://www.sjshire.wa.gov.au/community/community-facilities/parks-and-facilities/facilities.aspx

Page last updated: 07 Mar 2023, 10:41 AM