Proposed South Western Highway Draft Access Strategy
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The Shire has been collaborating with Main Roads WA regarding an Access Strategy to deliver a new U-turn pocket on South Western Highway for southbound vehicles.
At times, and at increasing regularity with the development of the Byford Town Centre and developments on South Western Highway, southbound vehicles have been observed undertaking an uncontrolled U-turn manoeuvre at the Nettleton Road / South Western Highway intersection, in order to head back northbound. The proposed U-turn pocket will provide a safer outcome for traffic in the area.Where can I view the Draft Access Strategy?
You can view the Draft Access Strategy Concept Plan under the "Documents" section of this web page.
How can I have my say?
The public comment period has now closed.
How can I find out more information?
The assessing team's contact details can be found on the right of this page. You can also contact the Shire's Administration Centre on 9526 1111.
Page last updated: 13 Jul 2023, 12:49 PM