Roads Projects
This page has now closed. For current information on the Shire's roadworks, head to

Improving our local road network is a key focus for the Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale.
In the below news feed of this webpage you will find details about all current roadworks and projects being carried out across the Shire including timelines and information on traffic management conditions.
Further information on road conditions, closures or detours can be found here.
Improving our local road network is a key focus for the Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale.
In the below news feed of this webpage you will find details about all current roadworks and projects being carried out across the Shire including timelines and information on traffic management conditions.
Further information on road conditions, closures or detours can be found here.
This page has now closed. For current information on the Shire's roadworks, head to
Kargotich Road Upgrades - Stage 1
Share Kargotich Road Upgrades - Stage 1 on Facebook Share Kargotich Road Upgrades - Stage 1 on Twitter Share Kargotich Road Upgrades - Stage 1 on Linkedin Email Kargotich Road Upgrades - Stage 1 linkStart date
19 April 2023
Estimated completion
August 2023
Project summary
Stage 1 of significant upgrades to Kargotich Road (between Rowley Road and Thomas Road) will be carried out from April - August 2023.
Funded by the WA State Government as part of a major election commitment to upgrade three key roads in Serpentine Jarrahdale, the works will include widening, resurfacing and rehabilitation of Kargotich Road.
Road closures will be in place for the duration of these works with detours and traffic management to ensure works are carried out safely. Access will remain for local traffic.
For further information on these works, email
Mundijong Road Widening Works
Share Mundijong Road Widening Works on Facebook Share Mundijong Road Widening Works on Twitter Share Mundijong Road Widening Works on Linkedin Email Mundijong Road Widening Works linkStart date
22 March 2023
Estimated completion
June 2023
Project Summary
Widening works will be carried out on Mundijong Road (between Lightbody Road and King Road) from 22 March 2023.
Works are expected to take 12 weeks to complete, with a single lane closure and temporary traffic management in place to ensure works are completed safely and delays kept to a minimum.
Motorists are urged to use caution and drive slowly while in the area.
For issues regarding the project or road closures, contact RCA project lead Jim Wright on 0499 336 670.
Briggs Road Subdivision Works
Share Briggs Road Subdivision Works on Facebook Share Briggs Road Subdivision Works on Twitter Share Briggs Road Subdivision Works on Linkedin Email Briggs Road Subdivision Works linkStart date
8 March 2023
Estimated completion
5 April 2023
Project summary
A section of Briggs Road (between Thomas Road and Larsen Road) will be closed for four weeks as subdivision works are carried out in the Byford Meadows Estate.
The works will include:
- The construction of the 1200-diameter pipelines for the crossing of the Oaklands Drain
- The construction of the 750-diameter line along the western side of Briggs Road to connect to the Oaklands Drain
- The removal of the existing road pavement for Briggs
For more information, email
Mundijong Road/Kargotich Road Roundabout Upgrades
Share Mundijong Road/Kargotich Road Roundabout Upgrades on Facebook Share Mundijong Road/Kargotich Road Roundabout Upgrades on Twitter Share Mundijong Road/Kargotich Road Roundabout Upgrades on Linkedin Email Mundijong Road/Kargotich Road Roundabout Upgrades linkStart date
13 March 2023
Estimated completion
21 March 2023
Project summary
Upgrades to the roundabout at the intersection of Mundijong Road and Kargotich Road will be carried out from 13 - 21 March 2023.
These works will be undertaken as part of the Shire's Capital Works Program.
Road users should be aware of changing road conditions and possible delays.
Road Reseal Program 2023
Share Road Reseal Program 2023 on Facebook Share Road Reseal Program 2023 on Twitter Share Road Reseal Program 2023 on Linkedin Email Road Reseal Program 2023 linkStart date
3 March 2023
Estimated completion
9 May 2023
Project summary
A total 10 roads across Serpentine Jarrahdale will be given a facelift as the Shire’s Road Reseal Program kicks off in March.
Roads in Oakford, Serpentine, Jarrahdale and Mundijong will be upgraded as part of the 2023 program, which will see works carried out across the Shire over a two-month period.
Jointly funded by the Shire and the Australian Government’s Roads to Recovery Program, reseal works will include repairing potholes and upgrading road surfaces.
Traffic management will be in place as each road reseal is carried out.
Further information on traffic management, including potential detours, will be made available closer to the start dates of each road reseal.
The full schedule for the 2023 Road Reseal Program can be seen below.
For more information on the program, call the Shire’s Infrastructure Services team on 9526 1111.
Road Name
Start Date
Finish Date
Holmes Road
College Court
Millars Road
Baldwin Road
Chestnut Road
Richardson Street
Hardey Street
Tonkin Street
Senior Court
Lefroy Street
Arnold Road Upgrades
Share Arnold Road Upgrades on Facebook Share Arnold Road Upgrades on Twitter Share Arnold Road Upgrades on Linkedin Email Arnold Road Upgrades linkStart date
30 January 2023
Estimated completion
Early March 2023
Project summary
Arnold Road (between Lefroy Street and South Western Highway) and a section of Lefroy Street (between Arnold Road and Leslie Street) will be closed as upgrades are carried out from 30 January until early March 2023.
Upgrades to the road include safety improvements and service installations.
Traffic management and detours will be in place during this time to ensure works are completed safely and delays kept to a minimum.
For urgent traffic management issues or safety concerns, call The Civil Guys Project Manager David Curnow on 0429 597 069 or call the Shire on 9526 1111.
Subdivision Works - Intersection Doley Road / Allanson Drive, Byford
Share Subdivision Works - Intersection Doley Road / Allanson Drive, Byford on Facebook Share Subdivision Works - Intersection Doley Road / Allanson Drive, Byford on Twitter Share Subdivision Works - Intersection Doley Road / Allanson Drive, Byford on Linkedin Email Subdivision Works - Intersection Doley Road / Allanson Drive, Byford linkStart date
20 February 2023
Estimated completion
12 March 2023
Project summary
A temporary road closure will be in place to accommodate subdivision works at the intersection of Doley Road and Allanson Drive in Byford from 20 February - 12 March 2023.
The road closure will be in place to increase the safety of road users and public in the vicinity of the construction site, and to minimise interaction with heavy vehicles entering and exiting the site.
If you have a query regarding these works please contact Croker Construction Project Manager Brendan Hurrell on 0419 948 202.
Hopkinson Road Rehabilitation Works
Share Hopkinson Road Rehabilitation Works on Facebook Share Hopkinson Road Rehabilitation Works on Twitter Share Hopkinson Road Rehabilitation Works on Linkedin Email Hopkinson Road Rehabilitation Works linkCLOSED: This discussion has concluded.Start date
Wednesday, 12 October 2022
Estimated completion
End of December 2022
Project summary
Rehabilitation works will be carried out on Hopkinson Road (between Bishop Road and Karbro Drive) over the coming weeks.
These works will upgrade the existing single carriageway by widening and sealing up to 7 metres, improving safety for road users.
Works are expected to take 13 weeks to complete, with a partial road closure, detour and temporary traffic management in place.
The road will be fully closed from 7 - 14 December between the hours of 7am and 5pm. Detours will be in place and resident access provided during these times.
Rehabilitation works to Hopkinson Road are being funded through a $500,000 grant delivered by the Metropolitan Regional Road Group.
RCA Pty Ltd and Fulton Hogan Pty Ltd have been contracted by the Shire to carry out the works. For urgent safety concerns about this project contact RCA Operations Manager Jim Wright on 0499 336 670.
Gordin Way Bus Bay Extension
Share Gordin Way Bus Bay Extension on Facebook Share Gordin Way Bus Bay Extension on Twitter Share Gordin Way Bus Bay Extension on Linkedin Email Gordin Way Bus Bay Extension linkThese works have been completed.Estimated start date
Tuesday, 27 September 2022
Estimated completion date
Monday, 10 October 2022
Project summary
Works to extend the Transperth bus bay at Gordin Way will be carried out during school holidays to minimise disruption to local schools and students.
These works will include a partial footpath closure, with traffic management in place to ensure works are completed safely and delays kept to a minimum.
Traffic is encouraged to use caution while in the area, or avoid the area if possible.
Yangedi Road and Karnup Road Intersection Upgrade
Share Yangedi Road and Karnup Road Intersection Upgrade on Facebook Share Yangedi Road and Karnup Road Intersection Upgrade on Twitter Share Yangedi Road and Karnup Road Intersection Upgrade on Linkedin Email Yangedi Road and Karnup Road Intersection Upgrade linkThese works have been completed.Start date
29 August 2022
Estimated completion
November 2022
Project summary
Intersection upgrades to improve safety will be carried out at the intersection of Yangedi Road and Karnup Road.
The project aims to construct an auxiliary lane on Karnup Road that addresses the high potential for crashes at the intersection due to sightline issues.
Upgrades also include widening and increasing kerb radius to accommodate truck turning movement from Yangedi Road without encroaching on the opposite lane on Karnup Road.
The road will be partially closed during the works and detours will be in place.
The location of the works is highlighted in the image below:
Who to contact?
For urgent safety concerns or traffic management issues please contact RCA Operations Manager Jim Wright on 0499 336 670.
Who's Listening
Phone 9526 1111