What is a Pump track?

    A pump track is a circuit of rollers, banked turns and features designed to be ridden completely by bike riders "pumping"—generating momentum by up and down body movements, instead of pedaling or pushing on a bicycle.

    How will my feedback be used?

    Your feedback will be reviewed and used to inform the Byford Pump Track Feasibility Study.

    What Is a Feasibility Study?

    A feasibility study is a detailed analysis that considers all of the critical aspects of a proposed project in order to determine the likelihood of it succeeding.

    Who will make a final decision on this project/initiative?

    The feasibility study report will be presented to Council for further consideration to repurpose the election commitment funding from the Byford Nature Splash Park to a Bike Pump Track project.

    Where is the Stage 1 Byford pump track site?

    The Byford stage 1 pump track area is located in Briggs Park, and is south of the youth pavilion, accessed off Gordin Way.

    How can I have my say on the Detailed Design of the Stage 1 Pump Track?

    You can attend a workshop with the Pump Track designers, in the coming months – this event will be published on this page.

    What is included in the Stage 1 Pump Track Design?

    The feasibility study included the concept design for the pump track. Stage 1 includes the pump track, jump line for intermediate users, shade shelters, street furniture and the interface area between the existing pavilion and the pump track.