Development Application - Place of Worship and Community Centre

The Shire has received a development application for which comments are sought for a Place of Worship and Community Centre at Lot 128 South Western Highway.
The proposal includes the construction of a building and associated car parking and landscaping used for the purposes of a Place of Worship and Community Purpose Facility.
The building is proposed to be located at the south west corner of the subject site. The building will include a 300-seat capacity auditorium of 540m2; three kids’ rooms, a parents room, foyer and various amenities.
In terms of the uses proposed, the Place of Worship seeks to use the building to undertake a range of services from the premises which includes Sunday morning service (current attendance of approximately 150 people with proposed future capacity of 300). A weekly youth program of approximately 30 people and a fortnightly mother’s program of approximately 25 people.
In regard to the Community Purpose Facility, the building will be available to be leased by the general public for a variety of potential uses that includes graduations, dance groups, special needs groups and club events.
Operation hours for the proposed uses:
Place of Worship
Thursday: 10am – 12pm (fortnightly)
Friday: 6.30pm – 8.30pm
Sunday: 9am – 12pm
Community Purpose Facility
Monday: 6am –12am
Tuesday: 6am – 12am
Wednesday: 6am – 12am
Thursday: 6am – 12am
Friday: 6am – 6pm and 9pm – 12am
Saturday: 6am – 12am
Sunday: 12pm – 10pm
Where can I view the information?
The documents setting out and explaining the proposal are available to view under the "Documents" section of this page.
How can I comment?
The public comment period has now closed and feedback is now being reviewed.
How can I find out more information?
The assessing teams contact details can be found on the right of this page. You can also contact the Shire's Administration Centre on 9526 1111.