Draft Local Planning Policy (LPP) 3.9 – Subdivision and Development Fronting Historic Lanes within the Byford Old Quarter

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Consultation has concluded and a decision has been made.


At its March meeting, Council resolved to proceed with LPP3.9: Subdivision and Development Fronting Historic Laneways within the Byford Old Quarter, without modification. You can view the policy under the documents section of this webpage. 

To view the Council decision, visit the Shire's Agenda and Minutes page and view the March Council Meeting Minutes.


The Shire is seeking your comments on the Draft Local Planning Policy (LPP) 3.9 – Subdivision and Development Fronting Historic Lanes in the Byford Old Quarter

This Policy applies to subdivision of lots that front historic lanes through the Byford Old Quarter. 

The traditional lanes were designated as ‘rights-of-way’, which was a method of vesting under-width roads under the Transfer of Land Act 1893. The laneways however were all dedicated as public roads in November 2015.

The purpose of the policy is to: 

  • Outline the requirements for the subdivision of lots that front historic lanes within the Byford Old Quarter area
  • Ensure the laneways are upgraded to an acceptable standard 
  • Facilitate the upgrading of the laneways to provide a safe, legible and accessible outcomes for dwellings fronting the laneways
  • Ensure the upgrading of the laneway contributes to a good quality public realm, in keeping with the existing character of the area 
  • Provide a sufficient level of public and private amenity as part of subdivision and development taking place. 

Making a submission

The public comment period has now closed.


At its March meeting, Council resolved to proceed with LPP3.9: Subdivision and Development Fronting Historic Laneways within the Byford Old Quarter, without modification. You can view the policy under the documents section of this webpage. 

To view the Council decision, visit the Shire's Agenda and Minutes page and view the March Council Meeting Minutes.


The Shire is seeking your comments on the Draft Local Planning Policy (LPP) 3.9 – Subdivision and Development Fronting Historic Lanes in the Byford Old Quarter

This Policy applies to subdivision of lots that front historic lanes through the Byford Old Quarter. 

The traditional lanes were designated as ‘rights-of-way’, which was a method of vesting under-width roads under the Transfer of Land Act 1893. The laneways however were all dedicated as public roads in November 2015.

The purpose of the policy is to: 

  • Outline the requirements for the subdivision of lots that front historic lanes within the Byford Old Quarter area
  • Ensure the laneways are upgraded to an acceptable standard 
  • Facilitate the upgrading of the laneways to provide a safe, legible and accessible outcomes for dwellings fronting the laneways
  • Ensure the upgrading of the laneway contributes to a good quality public realm, in keeping with the existing character of the area 
  • Provide a sufficient level of public and private amenity as part of subdivision and development taking place. 

Making a submission

The public comment period has now closed.

Consultation has concluded and a decision has been made.

  • Share Is there a time frame for this work to be done? Particularly on the section that runs from the shops on southwest hwy up to Catherine st? There are significant issues with drug dealing and dangerous trees on the bit that. Would be resolved one this work is done? on Facebook Share Is there a time frame for this work to be done? Particularly on the section that runs from the shops on southwest hwy up to Catherine st? There are significant issues with drug dealing and dangerous trees on the bit that. Would be resolved one this work is done? on Twitter Share Is there a time frame for this work to be done? Particularly on the section that runs from the shops on southwest hwy up to Catherine st? There are significant issues with drug dealing and dangerous trees on the bit that. Would be resolved one this work is done? on Linkedin Email Is there a time frame for this work to be done? Particularly on the section that runs from the shops on southwest hwy up to Catherine st? There are significant issues with drug dealing and dangerous trees on the bit that. Would be resolved one this work is done? link

    Is there a time frame for this work to be done? Particularly on the section that runs from the shops on southwest hwy up to Catherine st? There are significant issues with drug dealing and dangerous trees on the bit that. Would be resolved one this work is done?

    Paul T asked about 3 years ago

    There is no timeframe for the work outlined in the policy to be completed. The work required to be completed in the policy is not a Shire led project, but rather is required to be completed by subdividers of property backing onto the laneways, at the time they subdivide. It is the responsibility of the subdividers to upgrade the laneway. The policy outlines the design requirements for the upgrade treatment of the laneway, which will enhance the quality of the built environment and promote safer space through passive surveillance.