Draft Local Planning Policy 4.26 – Development in the Rural Zone

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LPP 4.26

Outcome: Council adopted at its OCM on 11 December 2023.


The Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale is seeking your feedback on Draft Local Planning Policy (LPP) 4.26 - Development in the Rural Zone.

The objectives of the policy are:

  • To ensure development in the Rural zone is consistent with the objectives under Local Planning Scheme No.3;
  • To identify when a non-rural land use may be potentially beneficial within the rural zone;
  • To identify when a non-rural land use may not be supported in the rural zone; and
  • To provide assessment criteria for non-rural land uses in the rural zone including a benefits and compatibility analysis.

At its Ordinary Council Meeting on 18 September 2023, Council resolved to adopt Draft LPP 4.6 for the purposes of public consultation.

Where can I view Draft Local Planning Policy 4.26?

Draft Local Planning Policy 4.26 is available to view under the "Documents" section of this page.

How can I comment?

Submissions on this development application can be lodged one of the following ways:

  • Email your feedback to info@sjshire.wa.gov.au stating the following reference number: SJ4181
  • A written submission, submitted by mail or in person to 6 Paterson Street, Mundijong, including the reference number: SJ4181
  • Completing an online form below

Submissions close 2 November 2023.

How can I find out more information?

The assessing teams contact details can be found on the right of this page. You can also contact the Shire's Administration Centre on 9526 1111.

Outcome: Council adopted at its OCM on 11 December 2023.


The Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale is seeking your feedback on Draft Local Planning Policy (LPP) 4.26 - Development in the Rural Zone.

The objectives of the policy are:

  • To ensure development in the Rural zone is consistent with the objectives under Local Planning Scheme No.3;
  • To identify when a non-rural land use may be potentially beneficial within the rural zone;
  • To identify when a non-rural land use may not be supported in the rural zone; and
  • To provide assessment criteria for non-rural land uses in the rural zone including a benefits and compatibility analysis.

At its Ordinary Council Meeting on 18 September 2023, Council resolved to adopt Draft LPP 4.6 for the purposes of public consultation.

Where can I view Draft Local Planning Policy 4.26?

Draft Local Planning Policy 4.26 is available to view under the "Documents" section of this page.

How can I comment?

Submissions on this development application can be lodged one of the following ways:

  • Email your feedback to info@sjshire.wa.gov.au stating the following reference number: SJ4181
  • A written submission, submitted by mail or in person to 6 Paterson Street, Mundijong, including the reference number: SJ4181
  • Completing an online form below

Submissions close 2 November 2023.

How can I find out more information?

The assessing teams contact details can be found on the right of this page. You can also contact the Shire's Administration Centre on 9526 1111.

Page last updated: 24 Mar 2025, 03:59 PM