Draft Local Planning Policy 2.9 – Environmentally Sustainable Design Considerations for Retail and Commercial Development
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The Shire is seeking your comments on the Draft Local Planning Policy (LPP) 2.9 - Environmentally Sustainable Design Considerations for Retail and Commercial Development.
The policy has been developed to deliver guidance and provisions for elements of environmentally sustainable design considerations in new forms of qualifying retail and commercial development within the Shire. This is specifically new retail and commercial development exceeding 1,000 square metres of net lettable area.
Providing an updated policy will allow for more effective and efficient means of assessing and determining appropriate outcomes for environmentally sustainable design considerations in retail and commercial development and a better understanding of the expectations for developers and / or future purchasers of land in the Shire.
Where can I view the information?
The Draft Local Planning Policy 2.9 is available to view under the "Documents" section of this page.
How can I comment?
The commenting period is now closed.
How can I find out more information?
The assessing teams contact details can be found on the right of this page. You can also contact the Shire's Administration Centre on 9526 1111.
The Shire is seeking your comments on the Draft Local Planning Policy (LPP) 2.9 - Environmentally Sustainable Design Considerations for Retail and Commercial Development.
The policy has been developed to deliver guidance and provisions for elements of environmentally sustainable design considerations in new forms of qualifying retail and commercial development within the Shire. This is specifically new retail and commercial development exceeding 1,000 square metres of net lettable area.
Providing an updated policy will allow for more effective and efficient means of assessing and determining appropriate outcomes for environmentally sustainable design considerations in retail and commercial development and a better understanding of the expectations for developers and / or future purchasers of land in the Shire.
Where can I view the information?
The Draft Local Planning Policy 2.9 is available to view under the "Documents" section of this page.
How can I comment?
The commenting period is now closed.
How can I find out more information?
The assessing teams contact details can be found on the right of this page. You can also contact the Shire's Administration Centre on 9526 1111.
Draft Local Planning Policy 2.9 – Environmentally Sustainable Design Considerations for Retail and Commercial Development is currently at this stage
Consultation for this project is now open.
Under Review
this is an upcoming stage for Draft Local Planning Policy 2.9 – Environmentally Sustainable Design Considerations for Retail and Commercial Development
Contributions to this consultation are closed for evaluation and review. The project team will report back on key outcomes.
Final report
this is an upcoming stage for Draft Local Planning Policy 2.9 – Environmentally Sustainable Design Considerations for Retail and Commercial Development
The final outcomes of the consultation are documented here. This may include a summary of all contributions collected as well as recommendations for future action.