Update: Detailed design nears completion, clearing permit lodged
Stage 1A - Multi use pavilion, entry road, car park and ovals
Shire Officers have received final detailed design of Stage 1A, Bill of Quantities and Tender Documentation from our design consultants and are reviewing the package which is anticipated to be closed out by end of April.
Stage 1B – BMX Track and Pavilion
Shire Officers have received 90% detailed design of Stage 1B from our design consultants and are reviewing the documentation. Bill of Quantities and tender documentation review close out expected by end of June.
Draft Service Level Agreements – Stage 1A and 1B
At its March meeting, Council requested the Chief Executive Officer to develop initial draft service level agreement covering Keirnan Park Stages 1A and 1B for circulation to relevant sporting clubs.
The initial draft service level agreement for Stage 1A will be developed once a decision has been made by the State Government on the Shire’s additional funding request of $4 million and the initial draft service level agreement covering Stage 1B will be circulated to relevant sporting clubs by end of May 2023.
Clearing permits
A clearing permit has been lodged with Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water. The clearing permit process will allow approval to commence construction phase once this is in hand.
Keirnan Park Management Order – request to amend
The Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale is the Management Body for a portion of Reserve 7125 – the 63 ha site referred to as Keirnan Park - the purpose of which is Recreation and Sporting Complex only.
The Shire intends to develop the Keirnan Park site in accordance with this purpose however due to the size of the land, development will need to be undertaken in a staged manner over several years.
Due to the staged nature of the proposed development, there will be a requirement to proactively manage the whole landholding to comply with bush fire regulations. This will require the undeveloped portion of the land to be kept weed free, vegetation generally at a low level and maintain fire breaks.
At its March meeting, Council approved the Chief Executive Officer to submit the Crown Land Enquiry Form (CLEF) application to the Department of Planning Lands and Heritage for amendment to the existing management order of the site to include Agriculture and Community Use.
Adding Agriculture and Community Use to the existing Management Order would allow the Shire to manage the leasing portion of the site for cropping whilst the balance of site is in construction phase and make provisions for future community facilities such as a Youth Centre and Men’s Shed.