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The Shire's new Dog Local Law was officially gazetted in February 2024.
For more information on the new law and what it means for you, click here.
The new proposed Dog Local Law 2022 will replace the Shire’s current Local Law - Keeping of Dogs (2004) and aims to provide up to date and relevant management and enforcement processes in respect to the keeping, and the control of dogs, and dog facilities within the Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale.
If you own a dog, there will be little or no change for you and your dog.
The proposed Dog Local Law 2022 provides the additional requirements for the keeping of dogs:
Dogs are adequately confined by fence, gate, enclosure or other confinement measures.
Dogs are not a nuisance.
The requirement to pick up excrement after your dog.
Where can I view the proposal?
The documents setting out and explaining the proposal are available to view under the "Documents" section of this page.
How can I comment?
The public comment period has now closed.
How can I find out more information?
The assessing teams contact details can be found on the right of this page. You can also contact the Shire's Administration Centre on 9526 1111.
The Shire's new Dog Local Law was officially gazetted in February 2024.
For more information on the new law and what it means for you, click here.
The new proposed Dog Local Law 2022 will replace the Shire’s current Local Law - Keeping of Dogs (2004) and aims to provide up to date and relevant management and enforcement processes in respect to the keeping, and the control of dogs, and dog facilities within the Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale.
If you own a dog, there will be little or no change for you and your dog.
The proposed Dog Local Law 2022 provides the additional requirements for the keeping of dogs:
Dogs are adequately confined by fence, gate, enclosure or other confinement measures.
Dogs are not a nuisance.
The requirement to pick up excrement after your dog.
Where can I view the proposal?
The documents setting out and explaining the proposal are available to view under the "Documents" section of this page.
How can I comment?
The public comment period has now closed.
How can I find out more information?
The assessing teams contact details can be found on the right of this page. You can also contact the Shire's Administration Centre on 9526 1111.
Share May I ask what the current definition of nuisance is?
What is the penalty?
What happens where a dog is just responding to other dogs barking?
What evidence is needed to prove nuisance?
Thank you in advance.
Brian on FacebookShare May I ask what the current definition of nuisance is?
What is the penalty?
What happens where a dog is just responding to other dogs barking?
What evidence is needed to prove nuisance?
Thank you in advance.
Brian on TwitterShare May I ask what the current definition of nuisance is?
What is the penalty?
What happens where a dog is just responding to other dogs barking?
What evidence is needed to prove nuisance?
Thank you in advance.
Brian on LinkedinEmail May I ask what the current definition of nuisance is?
What is the penalty?
What happens where a dog is just responding to other dogs barking?
What evidence is needed to prove nuisance?
Thank you in advance.
Brian link
May I ask what the current definition of nuisance is?
What is the penalty?
What happens where a dog is just responding to other dogs barking?
What evidence is needed to prove nuisance?
Thank you in advance.
over 2 years ago
Hi, thanks for your question,
According to the Dog Act 1976, a dog is a nuisance if the dog persistently makes a noise by barking or otherwise to the degree that it unreasonably interferes with the peace, comfort or convenience of any person in any place. In addition, it is a nuisance when barking exceeds a prescribed noise level and if it reoccurs over time.
For further information, please call the Shire on (08) 9526 1111.
Share E22/8009: In terms of "dogs are not a nuisance", what is specifically regarded as a nuisance? on FacebookShare E22/8009: In terms of "dogs are not a nuisance", what is specifically regarded as a nuisance? on TwitterShare E22/8009: In terms of "dogs are not a nuisance", what is specifically regarded as a nuisance? on LinkedinEmail E22/8009: In terms of "dogs are not a nuisance", what is specifically regarded as a nuisance? link
E22/8009: In terms of "dogs are not a nuisance", what is specifically regarded as a nuisance?
over 2 years ago
Hi, thanks for your question,
According to the Dog Act 1976, a dog is a nuisance if the dog persistently makes a noise by barking or otherwise to the degree that it unreasonably interferes with the peace, comfort or convenience of any person in any place. In addition, it is a nuisance when barking exceeds a prescribed noise level and if it reoccurs over time.
For further information, please call the Shire on (08) 9526 1111.
Proposed Dog Local Law 2022 has finished this stage
This consultation is open for contributions.
Under Review
Proposed Dog Local Law 2022 has finished this stage
Contributions to this consultation are closed for evaluation and review. The project team will report back on key outcomes.
Final report
Proposed Dog Local Law 2022 is currently at this stage
The final outcomes of the consultation are documented here. This may include a summary of all contributions collected as well as recommendations for future action.