Dog Exercise Area - Lot 8053 Tourmaline Boulevard, Byford
Consultation has concluded and a decision has been made.

The dog park at Lot 8053 Tourmaline Boulevard, Byford, was specified as an off-leash dog exercise area by Council at its meeting in November 2022.
The dog park is now open to the public, with separate areas for large and small dogs.
It also features seating, shade, sandpits and exercise obstacles for dogs.
Subdivision group LWP will install a dog exercise area at Lot 8053 Tourmaline Boulevard, Byford, with the project expected to be complete by late 2022/early 2023.
LWP will maintain the dog exercise area for two years, after which time the Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale will assume maintenance of the park.
The Shire has received community feedback regarding the amenity of the area and public comments have now closed.
Lot 8053 will be public open space, with the southern end having an enclosed dog exercise area. Dogs will be permitted to be off lead within the enclosed area, requiring dogs to be held or tethered by lead at all times outside of the fenced area.
This park will have both a small dog area and a big dog area divided by fence.
There will be the opportunity for local groups to hire a portion of the exercise area for dog training and similar exercises, this is currently proposed for weekends and for a maximum two hours total per weekend day.
Where can I view the proposal?
The documents setting out and explaining the proposal are available to view under the "Documents" section of this page.
How can I comment?
The comment period has now closed.
- Completing an online submission form
- Email your feedback to stating the following reference number: E22/11212
- A written submission, submitted by mail or in person to 6 Paterson Street, Mundijong, including the reference number: E22/11212
Submissions close 5pm Tuesday, 25 October 2022
How can I find out more information?
The assessing teams contact details can be found on the right of this page. You can also contact the Shire's Administration Centre on 9526 1111.