What is the zoning of the subject site?
The subject site is zoned ‘Rural Residential’ under the Shire’s Local Planning Scheme No.3 (LPS3).
What is the land use of the proposal?
The proposal falls within the land use definition of Place of Worship’ under the Shire’s LPS3. The land use is not permitted (‘X’) within the zone.
The ‘Place of Worship’ initially received development approval from the Shire in 2010. At the time the land was zoned ‘Rural’ under Town Planning Scheme No.2, in which the land use is discretionary. The ‘Place of Worship’ was subsequently constructed in the following 2 years.
Since the gazettal of LPS3, the zoning has changed to ‘Rural Residential’, resulting in the established ‘Place of Worship’ becoming a non-conforming use. The application therefore proposed an extension to the existing ‘non-conforming use’.
Why is the Shire engaging on this project?
The Shire is required to engage the community in accordance with Local Planning Policy 1.4 – Advertising Development Applications (LPP1.4).
How will my feedback be used?
Any feedback or comments on the proposed development will be considered as part of the assessment.
Who will make the final decision on this application?
The determination of the application will be made pursuant to Clause 68(2) of the Deemed Provisions of the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015, in under delegated authority 12.1.1, located within the Shire’s delegation register.