What is the zoning of the subject site?
The subject site is zoned ‘Mixed Use’ under the Shire’s Local Planning Scheme No.3.
Why is the Shire engaging on this project?
The Shire is required to engage the community in accordance with Local Planning Policy 1.4 – Advertising Development Applications (LPP1.4).
How will my feedback be used?
Any feedback or comments on the proposed development will be considered as part of the assessment. Contributions to this consultation are closed for evaluation and review.
Final report
The application will be determined in accordance with delegated authority 12.1.1, as per the Shire’s Register of Delegations.
Submitters objecting to the development will be made aware of either the delegated authority decision, or should the matter need to be presented to Council, the date of the Ordinary Council Meeting prior to it occurring.