Applications for the July Round of the Shire of SJ’s Community Grants Program are now open!

Applications for the July Round of the Shire of SJ’s Community Grants Program are now open!
See below for more information on how we could support your organisation. Applications close 5:00pm Monday 10 March 2025.
Major Event Grants:
Grants between $5,000 to $20,000 ex GST are available to support local community groups in the delivery of a community, sporting or cultural event that is of significance to the Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale community and attracts attendees from the Shire, the Peel Region, and surrounds.
All grant applications should align with the following principles:
- Promote a sense of community and inclusion across the Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale.
- Help residents be healthy, active, and engaged in community life.
- Encourage the development of locally led and delivered projects and activities.
- Celebrate diversity and cultural heritage.
- Support projects that are in line with Shire plans and objectives.
- Are innovative and of a high quality.
See our Guidelines for Major Event Grants for eligibility and application information.
General Grants:
Grants of up to $5,000 ex GST are available to provide financial assistance for registered not-for-profit organisations and incorporated community groups for initiatives relevant to the Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale community. All funded applications must be completed and acquitted within 6 months of being advised they were successful. See our Guidelines for General Grants for eligibility and application information.
Year-Round Small Grants:
Please remember that the Friendly Neighbourhood Grant, the Sporting Travel Grant, and the Youth Leadership and Training Grant are available all year round.
Make sure to contact an Officer from the Shire’s Community Development and Sport and Recreation Teams prior to applying and discuss if your group or club’s idea is suitable for an application.
For more information or assistance regarding the grants, please phone (08) 9526 1111. Further information and relevant application forms can be found on the Shire’s website.