2022/23 Differential General Rates and Draft 2022/23 Annual Budget
Consultation has concluded and a decision has been made.

The Serpentine Jarrahdale Council has adopted its 2022/23 Budget.
The Serpentine Jarrahdale Council has adopted its 2022/23 Budget.
Consultation has concluded and a decision has been made.
Share We would like to know if “The House” will be upgraded as part of the 22/23 budget? We noticed that Landcare SJ is listed and being that our building is of similar age, it is also in need of upgrades. Playgroup provides a space for local families with young children to connect and play and it is a vital part of our community. on Facebook Share We would like to know if “The House” will be upgraded as part of the 22/23 budget? We noticed that Landcare SJ is listed and being that our building is of similar age, it is also in need of upgrades. Playgroup provides a space for local families with young children to connect and play and it is a vital part of our community. on Twitter Share We would like to know if “The House” will be upgraded as part of the 22/23 budget? We noticed that Landcare SJ is listed and being that our building is of similar age, it is also in need of upgrades. Playgroup provides a space for local families with young children to connect and play and it is a vital part of our community. on Linkedin Email We would like to know if “The House” will be upgraded as part of the 22/23 budget? We noticed that Landcare SJ is listed and being that our building is of similar age, it is also in need of upgrades. Playgroup provides a space for local families with young children to connect and play and it is a vital part of our community. link
We would like to know if “The House” will be upgraded as part of the 22/23 budget? We noticed that Landcare SJ is listed and being that our building is of similar age, it is also in need of upgrades. Playgroup provides a space for local families with young children to connect and play and it is a vital part of our community.
Katherine Weaire asked almost 3 years agoHi Katherine,
Yes, there are funds allocated in the Budget to carry out upgrades to The House building. These include:
- Re-stumping of the building
- Electrical upgrades
- Internal and external painting
- Floor coverings
- Kitchen upgrade
- Timber repairs
- Toilet upgrade
- Installing ramp access
Shire Officers will also engage regular hirers of the facility to have their say on any upgrades and specific user requirements. It is estimated this will take place later in the 2022/23 Financial Year.
Share Who is providing the catering ? on Facebook Share Who is providing the catering ? on Twitter Share Who is providing the catering ? on Linkedin Email Who is providing the catering ? link
Who is providing the catering ?
PB asked almost 3 years agoIf your question relates to the Draft 2022/23 Budget - Community Information Breakfast, the catering was provided by Wild Thyme Gourmet.
community information breakfastcommunity information breakfast -
Share How much of the 1.1 million for infrastructure is allocated to Byford Community Kindergarten premises? on Facebook Share How much of the 1.1 million for infrastructure is allocated to Byford Community Kindergarten premises? on Twitter Share How much of the 1.1 million for infrastructure is allocated to Byford Community Kindergarten premises? on Linkedin Email How much of the 1.1 million for infrastructure is allocated to Byford Community Kindergarten premises? link
How much of the 1.1 million for infrastructure is allocated to Byford Community Kindergarten premises?
Sarah asked almost 3 years agoApproximately $67,000 is listed in the draft 2022/23 Budget to carry out general maintenance works at Byford Kindy, which will include:
- Timber repairs for external gables fascia boards
- Internal painting
- Emergency exit signage - building compliance
- Sanitary and tapware upgrade
- Retaining wall - engineering assessment and repair
- Removal of redundant air conditioning unit
facility upgradesfacility upgrades
2022/23 Differential Rates
- What are Rates?
- What is the Shire’s proposed 2022/23 Rates Modelling?
- How much will the proposed 2022/23 Rating Strategy deliver?
- What changes or additions is the Shire proposing in the 2022/23 Rating Strategy?
- What is the Statement of Rating Objectives and Reasons for the 2022/23 financial year?
- How will my feedback be used?
2022/23 draft Annual Budget
Key Dates
17 June 2022
11 July 2022
25 July 2022
August 2022
Who's Listening
Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale
Phone 9526 1111 Email info@sjshire.wa.gov.au